Matthew Miller

Matthew Miller
CEO, Senior Wealth Advisor
“It’s not about the money.”
Be honest. When you hear someone say that, I’ll bet a voice in your head says, “Yeah, right.” I mean, let’s face it. It’s one thing to say it’s not about the money. It’s another to really mean it.
Hi friends! I’m Matt Miller of Awaken Wealth Partners-part of the Thrivent Advisor Network.
I educate, guide, and counsel folks like you on how to make better decisions with your money…so you can enjoy a sense of reassurance, secure what matters most in your life, and make a lasting impact on the people you care about. And for me, it’s really not about the money.
Growing up in Cypress, TX, I learned three values from my parents that have remained constant my whole life… faith in God, family first and work hard at all you do.
These days, my life is very active with a healthy mix of personal and professional activities. In my personal life, my greatest joy is being a part of my daughter’s life. She really enjoys her career, appreciates where she lives, adores her fur-baby Charlie and loves Jesus. I enjoy being active in my church, community, and yes, golf. Hard work has also paid off… I’m a proud Aggie-Gig ’em!-and took my degree in Agriculture into a successful career in corporate sales and now greatly appreciate my “second” career as a business owner in the Financial Services industry.
But you know what? My life-and my business-look completely different from what I had imagined not even ten years ago. Because, truth be told… There was a time when it really was about the money for me.
Not surprising, when I think about it. Self-made success is often touted as a big deal. Starting a career in corporate sales was one thing. But then rising rapidly up through the ranks to become national sales director of a major firm while I was still in my 30s? Kind of went to my head.
The more success I achieved, however, the less grounded I felt. Spending every week on an airplane and in a different hotel will do that to you! I knew something was missing from my life, only I couldn’t figure out what…until two things happened.
A friend at church introduced me to Thrivent. And my father-in-law gave me some wise advice…and convinced me that the opportunity to launch a financial advisory business of my own would change my life.
Now, whether I’m working with an executive mapping out sophisticated strategies, maximizing complex compensation packages, stewarding multi-generational wealth for a family, or educating professionals on retirement planning, my approach is the same…
Money is a valuable resource that helps fuel our values and further our purposes. It’s not about the money. It’s about relationships, time and efforting towards what we value most.
Think about it. Money can be the means to lead you away from your purpose-like it did to me years ago. Or help you achieve it.
Take it from me. Using money to help you achieve your purpose is much better.
Wealth comes in a variety of forms. Let’s visit soon.